Shirikisho Crafts Students Design African Bags and Build Their Own Brand Shirikisho Crafts, an empowering initiative under the Oyugis Integrated Project (OIP), is transforming lives and fueling dreams in Oyugis, Kenya. Recently, a group of young women enrolled in Shirikisho's craft program has embarked on an exciting venture: designing authentic African bags with the goal of creating their own brand. Driven by their passion and guided by mentors, these students are crafting vibrant, stylish bags that celebrate African heritage and creativity. The project is as much about skill-building as it is about sparking entrepreneurship. The students work with various materials and techniques, blending traditional African designs with modern aesthetics to make bags that stand out in the market. This fusion of heritage and contemporary style gives the girls a unique position in the growing world of African fashion and accessory design.
Through this journey, Shirikisho is instilling essential skills that go beyond the workshop. The girls are learning to craft high-quality products and understand branding, marketing, and financial literacy. With support from Shirikisho Crafts, they are being groomed to become entrepreneurs who will one day run their own businesses, manage their own brands, and uplift their communities.