About US

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Oyugis integrated project is a non-profit organization that supports the less fortunate persons infected or affected with HIV. We are located within Oyugis town opposite St. Peter Catholic Church. For over twenty years we have been supporting the vulnerable with education, food, clothing, housing and empowerment programs for women and youth. We appreciate you for being part of our community. With the support of our friends and neighbors like you, we have been able to accomplish a lot over the past years. Currently we have sponsoring over 50 orphans, providing food to the handicaped, offering free medical support to over 2000 HIV positive clients who visit our dispensary every year and offering vocational training to teenage girls who are victims and early pregnancy and school drop out. Your kind donation of books, clothes, sanitary pads, textile and food will save lives and bring hope to the most venerable persons in our community. To make your contribution more visible we are pleased to recognize your company in our meetings as well as our newsletters highlighting your generosity. Your feedback is very much appreciated.

My Experience in OIP Homebased care program

My Experience at OIP Homebased care program 
I truly appreciate the kind reception I received from Br. Michael Mbogo and the invitation I
received of becoming a member of OIP Home Based Care Program.
I would like to let you know about an experience I have had with OIP program that has
helped me to expand my knowledge and skills as a Social Worker.
Being a religious, my desire has been and will always be to dedicate my life for the service
of humanity that is to work for the people who live under different circumstances and more
especially the marginalized, the sick, the elderly , the people living with disability among
I have spent two Months in Oyugis serving at St. Peter Catholic Church. The OIP Program
has met my desires early than I expected and it has well given me an opportunity of
improving my carrier as a Social Worker. I was delighted to be included as a member of OIP
whereby it has given me an opportunity indeed of moving out to the local communities.
On Tuesday last week dated 26/3/2024, I had an opportunity of visiting one families at
Kaditonge and one at Oyugis.
At Kaditonge we visited one of our friends who had been sick for quite some time whom
God has seen through in his recovery period.
We had time together with his family whereby he openly shared his experience of illness.
We prayed together and he expressed his faith and love of God. The family was very grateful
of our visit.
Later on we proceeded to the second family where we met a childless widow.
We spend our time with her where she shared more about her condition.
Personally I didn’t have much sharing with her because of the language barrier, thanks to
our fellow members who were able to translate.
As the members we saw it was good for her to go to the hospital for check ups. We left her
home and took her for treatment in our facility, I didn’t do the follow ups while in the
hospital, but two of our members accompanied her for the communication purposes
because of the language. After the treatment we took her back home.
The OIP Program supported her with an amount of money she could use while at home
since she has no one to care for her.
Her situation left our hearts fulfilled because we touched her life when she most needed
such a treat. The experience I had that day helped me learn on how to be more empathetic,patient, kind and always available to listen carefully to the needs of those who are in need
of our support.
My sincere gratitude goes to Br. Michael the administrator and all the members of OIP
Program for accepting me to be part of their services.
By the grace of God, I look forward to have such opportunities especially reaching out to
the needs of the people in the local communities and more so those who are not able to
visit the health center for the treatments.
May God bless all our benefactors who in one way or another help us in reaching out to
those who need our support and we welcome anyone who would dedicate his/her life for
the service of humanity.
I am really humbled to be a member of OIP.
 With regards,
 Sister Mary Feliksa, Felician Sisters.

oyugis integrated project

Training of Home-Based Care Volunteers on Opportunistic Infections in HIV

  On January 16, 2025, the Oyugis Integrated Project (OIP) hosted a successful training session for home-based care volunteers at the OIP So...